
Orange and Yellow

skirt & purse: goodwill, shoes: my mom's, thrifted, leather jacket: vintage
Yesterday, Nat, our friend Daniel, and I went into San Francisco finally! We were trying to go last weekend, but it didn't happen, so taking advantage of our break from school, we went on Monday! Here are some photos from the day. We walked around all over, including Lafayette park, through China Town, and a bit of the Union Square area.

I didn't get a lot of outfit shot photos, but you get the gist from the ones I did add. :) Sunday and today the weather has been beautiful and relatively warm, but yesterday it was chilly and overcast! We were a little cold, but in the middle of the day is was decent. Most of the time I had to have my leather jacket zipped up though...!

This post is titled "Orange and Yellow" for obvious reasons - look at all the orange and yellow scattered around these photos! I just got this purse the other day at Goodwill; they were having a 50% off of everything in the store sale for President's Day weekend. Score! I don't own any orange accent accessories, so I think I'm going to have fun with it. ;) Have a nice Tuesday! xx
currently listening to... Nothing!


  1. Damn it! I so want a biker jacket! And seeing these pics makes me want one even more *.*

  2. So many great pictures. I love your outfit too! The striped top looks great with your cute dotted skirt. I'm loving your awesome jacket too.

  3. love that outfit!! so glad I never got rid of that jacket! great pics! xoxo

  4. Love that bag, it's great! And the sunnies.
    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

  5. All of these pictures you took are great.. seriously! And I'm not just saying that to say something, haha. They're all so aesthetically pleasing! I love the one with the lanterns and the sidewalk. Lovely lovely (as is that amazing leather jacket you're donning) .

  6. YOU are so pretty! I love your hair so much- I'm going to get my hair cut into a pixie in the next week or so, and I'm sooo nervous! I'll probably keep it a little longer than yours because of my...ahem...well-defined nose;) love the jacket with the skirt, you look so cute:)

  7. i wanna go to san francisco! i love your dotted skirt!

    Steffys Pros and Cons

  8. I LOVE this outfit and I love how it's all thifted or vintage.

    beautiful pictures :)

  9. stunning skirt and I love the striped top too

  10. really digging this outfit. I love that you paired the tough jacket with the flowy polka dot scored. Very cute. PS I want that car too!

    Stop by and enter my Vedette giveaway!

  11. i love san francisco!! it's such a beautiful place.
    and you look lovely, as always!

  12. Looking gorgeous, lady! That bag and car are UH-mazing!!


  13. adore that bag.
    glad you got to have an exploring adventure.
    and that orange car! awesome.

  14. Adore your leather jacket!

  15. love how you tied in other orange things here- so pretty! awesome find on that purse. China town is so fun!

  16. I love your jacket! I actually just got one very similar over the weekend. I love it. It goes with everything. <3

  17. I always love your pictures :)

    xo Jennifer



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