
Family Time

dress: urban outfitters, cardigan: tuesday morning, shoes & purse: vintage, thrifted
Late night post! That's right, here I am! :D I decided that I didn't want to wait for a more reasonable hour to post these, because after all - this is the internet... somewhere it's day time and someone might read it!  Or at least that's what I'm counting on. If not, oh well. 

My day was a mixture of really boring and painful, and fun and yummy/delicious. I had to wake up at 7:00 to go to a practice AP calculus test at my school that lasted till 12:30. Yay! The only good thing about it was that our teacher brought in a bunch of food and stuffs. Haha. After that I did nothing till I went out to dinner with my family around 6:30. My brother even came along too and that doesn't happen that much anymore, so it was nice having the four of us!

We got ice cream after dinner and I was quite content by that point. :) And full. Hey, guess what? Missing Lovebirds reached 600 followers!! I really can't believe how far this has come! I'm so thankful for all of you. ♥ My Saturday as officially been made. How's your weekend going??  xx
currently listening to... Fleet Foxes - Battery Kinzie


The Nectar of Spring,

romper: goodwill, wedges: vera wang, kohl's, trench coat: the gap
Say hello to my new favorite trench coat! My mom generously gifted it to me this past weekend - apparently it was on huge sale at the Gap so my mom actually bought the same coat for herself. I'm in absolute love with this beigey, dusty pink color... Perfect for this season seeing as pastels are so in trend right now. I don't have many pastels so I think this is a great addition to my wardrobe! In addition, there are reasons - that I have yet to unveil! - as to why this coat will be useful in the future... ;) Stay tuned!

This year I think I have become more in love with spring as a season. Prior to now I always enjoyed autumn the best. But spring has been so beautiful! I  mean, just look at the flowers behind me in these photos. As I was taking these pictures, I reveled in the sweet scent of the blossoms and temporarily forgot about the stress that has been filling my mind and my body this week.

As you can imagine, it's just about crunch time and the final push to get everything done this school year. I really can't believe how it got to this point so quickly and in a few short weeks I will be graduating from high school. Here's a little rundown of the major things happening for me in May: AP tests, senior recital, and senior project presentations. Knowing me and the fact that I use blogging as a relaxation tool and something to keep my mind off of the stress, I probably won't stop blogging in May. However, if I do, then you know why.

Thanks for all your awesome comments, for visiting and for taking time out of your lives to catch up with me! I love you all. xx

currently listening to... Nothing!


In an Instant

If I often post these Instagram photos, I wonder how long it will take for me to run out of clever titles that have something to do with the name "Instagram"? Har har har... But, of course, I'm loving the app and so should you. ;) Add me to see all my photos! My username is missinglovee. These were my favorite few out of the recent batch. Enjoy and have a beautiful day! x


Flowers Grow Here

dress: forever 21, belt: goodwill, purse: vintage, goodwill, wedges: DSW
It's nearly twelve o'clock Monday night as I'm typing this... goodness gracious I need I get more sleep. Honestly, the past few weeks I've been going to bed past twelve and getting up at six in the morning. It's not healthy. Wow, okay, I just needed to get that off my chest. I'm bad at being a person. Anyone else really bad at going to sleep when it's necessary? I always end up staying awake doing homework and procrastinating doing homework. :D

I wore this on Saturday after my choir festival! We got superior ratings, which is the top score, except we only got an excellent on sight reading, because our group gets new freshmen every year who don't have much experience with sight reading... Oh well! I'm not too bent out of shape. I think we still did well. It was blazing hot on Saturday and I was so glad to change into this little dress. :) I've seen it so often on the blogosphere (thanks Forever 21!) so I thought it was the proper time to pull it out and take some shots of my own. Or, Nat's shots, I guess, cuz he took these photos! Thanks, love!

My mom and I found this purse at Goodwill a few months ago and I'm in love with it! Definitely going to be a summer staple. It holds a lot too, which is useful for a person like me! Oh, I want to mention one more thing in this post. I sort of decided what I'm doing with my hair! I decided that I still love having short hair and I'm not convinced I could go through the growing out process just yet, SO, I'm going to just grow out some bangs! Sort of like this probably. (She's so cute!) Anyway, have a lovely day!! xxx

currently listening to... Black Moth Super Rainbow - Flowers Grow Here


1 y e a r ,

I just wanted to write up a short post in regards to today's date...! It is me and Nat's one year anniversary and I thought it would be nice to compile a few photos that we have taken together over the past year. ♥ Not only is he my boyfriend, but I'm happy to say that he is my best friend too. :) I love him so much and I'm so thankful that he is a part of my life! I hope your Monday is as special as mine! xxx


Overalls & Bare Legs

tank top: urban outfitters, overalls, wedges, purse: goodwill
Uh oh... well this is the first official post using the new Blogger interface. I'm kinda scared this is going to publish really weird, but let's hope for the best... Change isn't fun but I suppose eventually we will get used to it this way, eh? *optimistic??*

Speaking of new, I'm wearing my newly thrifted overall jumper! I bought this at Goodwill on my latest solo thrifting excursion as posted about HERE, but of course, I hemmed it up a little bit! I think it's a great spring/summer dress. And boy! The weather yesterday was pure summer! High 80s! I can't believe it, but apparently today it's supposed to be even warmer. I'm excited! :) And as you can see, my bruised legs are better, but one bruise is still smiling proudly up at you. Bleh!

Well, I actually have a choir festival to attend today so I best be off. Wish us good luck! Afterwards I'm hoping to spend the evening with my boy. What are your Saturday plans? Happy weekend! xx

currently listening to... Feist - Inside + Out


Silly, clumsy girl

dress: a gift, cardigan & belt: goodwill, wedges: target
On Tuesday when I wore this outfit, I was this close to going tights-less. But I decided against it as you can see here for a few reasons. My legs actually look horrible right now. For some reason, I have more bruises than normal... Since you all probably don't know my in-real-life idiosyncrasies, I'll give you a little insight... I walk/run into everything. The epitome of clumsy. I guess I just don't have a clear idea of where my body is half the time, because I'll walk into door frames, door handles, any form of table, bed frames... Yes, just about everything. So my legs have 4+ large purplish-blueish bruises that I'm keen on hiding till they fade a bit. Heheh. They are a bit better today so I may go sans tights. :)

On a completely separate note, I am feeling a real pull to do something different with my hair. Please, give me your opinions - should I grow it out?? See youuuu! x
currently listening to... The Decemberists - The Infanta



blouse: goodwill, scarf: vintage, skirt: macy's, boots: marshall's, purse: forever 21, cardigan: old navy
I feel like it's been so long since I've posted something that can go under the "adventures" tag... but finally, here one is! Thinking back to this past summer, my boyfriend Nat and I would do fun things out and about usually every time we hung out. During the school year we hang out a lot less and when we do spend a Saturday together, typically we just want to relax and not do much. But I've been missing a good adventure! And goofing off in public, et cetera. Nat was gone most of spring break in Chicago, but this past Saturday we got to see each other and go on a little adventure!

We spent the afternoon in San Rafael and San Anselmo and enjoyed the nice weather. I was debating whether to go sans tights, but it was sort of windy, so I decided to wear them still. I can't believe April is half ways over already. I'm looking forward to the end of this year and the summer... but at the same time, I'm not. I'm excited and nervous for the future. More on that later...! Have a good Tuesday! xx
currently listening to... Erykah Badu - A.D. 2000