
J u n e

Hi! Where have I been? Good question. The answer is a combination of... finals are this upcoming week / I need to be all packed up and ready to leave by Wednesday / I am to the point where I hate all of my clothes and am planning on donating ERRYTHANG when I get home / Body image + distaste for my appearance, ETC. So, I haven't been on top of my game, clearly. Despite all of this, I have great feelings about this summer and I think those feelings will spill over into blogging once I'm home and once the summer has truly started. I have goals and intentions and I MEAN BUSINESS. So things will be happening, mark my words.

In regards to this photo... Maggie of Lifesize Paperdoll is in Seattle this entire summer, so I got to see her again! If you remember, I saw her once before last November. We hung out with Nicole, who goes to SPU, as well. But here's how this is weird: Nicole had been following both my blog and Maggie's blog for a while now, but this past year, Nicole decided to transfer to SPU at the same time that I decided that I wanted to go to SPU. CRAZY, right? Both girls are perfectly sweet and charming and we had the most easygoing time chatting, walking around downtown Seattle, and then eating ice cream in Pioneer Square.

Okay, I'm going to get back to packing. Hopefully I can squeeze one more post in before I leave Seattle for the NEXT 4 MONTHS (HOLY COW) !! P.S. Happy Sunday! I hope you're enjoying JUNE thus far! xxoo E


  1. That's so cool how y'all know each other! I really hope your finals go well!


  2. Good luck on finals!

    xo Jennifer


  3. Good luck this week! Looking forward to having my girl home again! I love that collage you made - so cool!

  4. Good luck on finals! :D
    Sofia G


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