
Back in San Francisco

I'm back home in Northern California as of a week ago – as always, it feels like it's been ten years since I've returned. Perhaps it's because I already miss Seattle like crazy: miss Ben and his house full of crazy guys; miss Rachael; miss Alex. No clue where fall quarter went; seems like the quickest quarter yet! Fortunately grades came out today and I made out okay: two As and a B+. But anyway, I'm home and guess what I've been doing since Monday? Healing from wisdom teeth surgery!!!!!! Yeah, yo gurl got all four babies out, which, let me tell you, was not a fun time. I've been a big swollen man-women since Monday and it was only till today that I've really noticed considerable shrinkage. 

Since it had been a good few days since the surgery and I was mostly out of pain, I went into San Francisco with Miranda today. We Christmas shopped and explored and chatted and just had a lovely time. The one true struggle was that I still can't chew too much, so everything we ate today took me double the time to devour (not to mention I've been basically chewing with my front teeth, which is an odd sight indeed). But anywho, being back in San Francisco is always a pleasure. I just love this city and all its cool quirks. :) I'd appreciate prayers for a full recovery from my surgery + thanks for reading,, beautiful people. xo

currently listening to // bon iver - woods


  1. Aw man, I wish you the speediest recovery! I have yet to have mine out and am hoping maybe I can not do that ever since I'm pretty old to have mine out, I think. Anyway, I hope you heal soon. Have a merry Christmas too!

  2. What lovely photos! They make me want to go to there! Haha.
    I had my wisdom teeth out last Christmas...lucky us, a perfect way to make merry for the holidays, right? I hope you get well soon!

  3. You have my compassion. I had mine out when I was 20 living in Germany, it's no fun at all. Actually I only had one out and that was bad enough. I got your details from fashion and faith network. I've only just started blogging so its early days for me. I have liked your facebook page. My link is www.facebook.com/LornaMaiLtd I'd love it if you could like my page but honestly no pressure at all if not. Good to connect with you. God Bless

  4. WOW what is this store called?!? I am SUCH a sucker for plants / all things in those last photos...:)


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