
4 Things

1 / My school's literary and art journal, Lingua, had its Spring Journal Release Party last night. There was live music, snacks, and of course, the journals. One of my photographs, this photo titled She, was accepted into the journal!

2 / This past Memorial Weekend, Seattle hosted the Northwest Folklife Festival. If anyone is from the northwest area, you have probably heard of this fest. I went on Sunday with a few friends and it was wonderful! The weather cooperated too, which is always a plus. This is the only photo I got from the day unfortunately -- sometimes it's hard to remember to take photos when you're having fun.

3 / I wore this outfit yesterday for the Lingua release party. : ) Other photos were taken of the whole outfit, but I'm not in love with how I look in them. Sometimes I like how my hair is growing out, and sometimes I get very annoyed by it... Hrmph.

4 / Sam and Rachael! A few of my favorites 'round here. Aren't they cute/handsome/SO COOL? xxoo E


Friday Life

top: target, cardigan: thrifted, vintage, skirt: thrifted, h&m, boots: dsw, backpack: c/o yeswalker.com
Yesterday was the day for an astronomy test, interacting with people, eating good food, and going on an exquisite friend date. It's always so freeing when I leave campus for a longer period of time -- it reminds me that I'm in college and living in a city. I love that. City living is really the only way I can see myself being satisfied in my current stage of life. As the quarter dwindles down to the last 12ish days, I'm nervously taking in all of Seattle as I can, because going back to Novato will be a bit of a disappointment in regards to the environment. It's funny, I was talking to Rachael about coffee shops and how many amazing local places there are around here + the Portland area (where she is from), and then I remembered that I don't have that luxury back home. Don't tell anyone, but I'm 90% positive that Seattle has made me a coffee snob. Shhhhh.

I went to get coffee and a snack at the Flying Apron mid afternoon yesterday with Rachael, and the amount of baked goods they had in there almost killed me. I've only been in a couple times before but had never tried their cookies/muffins/cakes. This cookie was heavenly. And huge. Rachael and I could have probably split one, but yeah nope. We both devoured our own and it sat and digested pleasantly in our bellies. :) Hopefully that makes you want to go eat a cookie now. Have a beautiful Memorial Weekend! xxoo E

currently listening to // Lay Low - I Forgot It's There


White Washed

sweater & skirt: thrifted, boots: target, tote: etsy
I managed to throw this outfit together in the midst of an early morning ordeal, in which I missed my 8 am class and then scrambled to decide what to wear, yet still have time to eat something before my next two classes. In high school I woke up at 6 am, so I find it weird that it is sometimes still a challenge for me to get up even at 7 am. Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), next quarter all my classes will be later. Currently this is what's up: I am starting to take classes for the visual communications major! I have so much excitement about this, yet so much worry at the same time (big surprise, right?). I think the happiness surrounding my decision about viscom is overruling my worry, so THUMBS UP. :)

Along with the two art classes, I am taking UFDN 2000 ("University Foundations"/Christian scripture class) which I'm also pretty amped about. Like I said, the times for these classes are a little random (as in I start my school day at 11 am...) but nonetheless, I have really really good feelings about next year. Plus, Rachael and I are going to be roommates! It's official! We got the room we wanted and things are looking good. Still needing to finish up this quarter strong, though, and figure out what's happening for this summer.... so I'm not quite off the hook yet! Happy Thursday! xxoo E

currently listening to // Flunk - Play


One Day I Floated Away

t-shirt: roller derby bout, skirt: macy's, purse, flannel, & heels: thrifted
There is a cemetery up the hill from Seattle Pacific that I walk past every time I go to upper Queen Anne, and I figured, why haven't I checked this place out? The plot of land is surrounded by high foliage as if they don't want anyone looking in or anyone looking out. Rachael and I had trouble even finding an entrance to the graveyard, though eventually we came across a small chained-link gate that allowed us entrance. My favorite part of taking photos here was trying to find the bursts of color amongst the gray and pale red marbled tombstones. How did I do? :)

In regards to this outfit: whenever I wear this Break Neck Betties t-shirt, I only want to pair it with black. Super xXXhardcoreXXx if you ask me. You know, I try. Haha, but actually, I find myself enjoying wearing all black more often these days. All black doesn't have to be a bad things if you wear different textures and interesting shoes, right? Unfortunately I don't have either of those two ingredients so that brings us back to problem one: changing your style when you don't have an unlimited supply of money to buy new core pieces.

Life update: tonight is housing registration for next year here at SPU, so please cross your fingers and pray for me that everything works out! People always talk about how it's a blood bath when people are trying to sort out rooms and roommates for the upcoming school year. It doesn't seem like it will be that way on my floor yet, but you never know if someone will throw a wrench into the gameplan! Have a good Tuesday, lovely humans! xxoo E
currently listening to // Eisley - One Day I Floated Away



It's about time I post some music, eh? I haven't been feeling all too inspired with my playlist-making-ability, so I skipped last Monday's mixtape. However, today I do have one song to share with you! Someone on Facebook actually posted this song and I've been listening to it nonstop since. Not only is the song super cool, but the process that the song was made is so inspiring to watch. This one guy did the whole thing. Tell me what you think! {original photo}


Exiting the Comfort Zone

dress: buffalo exchange, cardigan: thrifted, vintage, boots: doc's, vintage, headscarf: vintage
This week has been such an experience. That's really all I know how to describe it as. I swear, 70% of the time I was out of my comfort zone and, as they say, that's where the magic happens. And it did. I'm going to mostly focus on Wednesday because that's when I wore this outfit. This past Wednesday was typical for the most part -- Rachael and I ventured to Fremont because it's nice to walk and talk, plus I wanted to take outfit shots. We stopped into the Sun Shoppe and ended up both leaving with new plants... My little jade plant may have been the good luck charm of the day, people.

On the way back to campus, we stopped into the art center and Rachael pointed out that there was an SPU design/art alumni panel that night. I've been trying to say YES to more things, so a couple hours later, we returned to the art center for the panel (and we also dragged Kenneth along as well). Not only was the whole thing super interesting and informative -- it was also just awesome to see where previous SPU students are today. Many of them were recent graduates as well, and they already found jobs -- which is comforting.

The crazy highlight of the evening was when I realized that Moorea Seal (PNW jewelry designer, blogger, and more) was on the panel. I had NO IDEA that this women -- who's face I have seen all over the blogosphere -- went to SPU only a few years ago! So I introduced myself, we talked, and it was just awesome to hear what she had to say about graphic design, jewelry-making, blogging, and everything in between. If meeting her and absorbing some of her knowledge wasn't enough, Moorea featured Missing Lovebirds on her blog today! I would love for you to check out THE POST and Moorea-Seal.com. 

To wrap this up, this week has been inspiring and motivating in a number of ways and I almost feel like a different person somehow. I can't quite explain it, but if anything, it has got me thinking and doing and I can say that I am proud of that. xxoo E

currently listening to // Joyce Manor - Orange Julius


Golden Fields Forever

Meet my friend Sam Filby. He is a philosophy major, works at a book store called Ophelia's (discussed in this post), enjoys cats and The National. But those are just a few facts. He is a somewhat new friend of mine so I thought I'd give you a bit of an introduction! ;) He is hilarious so we spend a fair amount of time laughing. But that is a description that fits all of my friends, you know. I'm quite fortunate in that regard! On this particular day, Sam, Mallory, and I went on a little adventure -- starting at Discovery Park where these photos were taken. Not quite sure what Sam and I are doing inside the flannel. Let's just go with: real friends share jackets... at the same time.

In other news, the quarter system is once again kicking my butt. It's always within the last few weeks of the quarter that I realize that I have a ton of stuff to do. Whee! Not to mention planning out this summer: summer school?job?internship?roadtrips?what?what?! So that's cool. I'm excited to be finished with my freshman year of college, yet at the same time apprehensive. It's absolutely insane how 8 months of my life have flown by in the blink of an eye. xxoo E

currently listening to // Grizzly Bear - Shift


Sapphire Blue

skirt, blouse, & shoes: thrifted, jacket: t.j. maxx
Tonight is a night for a simple, quick, and quiet blog post. Enjoy, loves. xx
currently listening to // (against my will) John Mayer - Heartbreak Warfare


I am He

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; 
I will sustain you and I will rescue you. -- Isaiah 46:4




1 / Seattle Coffee Works. If only you could be on the SPU campus instead of a fake Starbucks... how I would love thee! If you've never been to Seattle Coffee Works (or Ballard Coffee Works, their Ballard location) then I suggest that be one of the first things you do. Tomorrow. GO. It has such a great vibe in the cafe and it's right downtown. It's always fun to make a trip down there and go get a drip coffee or an Americano and talk with the friendly staff and maybe eat a bagel. Yum.

2 / Despite the fact that this photo looks like a lot of food -- it's just one apple, one banana, and a handful of almonds. I had this for breakfast a bit ago and it was actually super filling! I wish I had more options with fruit here in college though. They mostly serve apples, bananas, and oranges at the cafeteria so I don't really eat any other fruit unless I buy it on my own. But do you even know how expensive strawberries or raspberries are?! I would love the most expensive of the fruits.

3 / And here's Kenneth/Alex! I never know what to call him. His first name is Kenneth but normally he goes by his middle name, Alex. I usually just end up calling him either of the names and (fortunately) he responds to both. This is how he usually looks at me: in an irritated/confused fashion. We were at another cafe that I like called Bustle, attempting to do homework.

4 / Lastly, my ticket to the Local Natives concert! Rachael and I still reminisce about that night and how out of the blue and perfectly random it was. Gahhh that show was so great! Now I have this ticket pinned up to my bulletin board next to my ticket stub from The xx show that I went to with Kristie last October... :)

{ Follow me on Instagram @missinglovee ! }
xxoo E


Guava Goddess

dress: from kristie, boots & purse: thrifted, vintage, sunglasses: urban outfitters
Thank you all for your kind words on my last post and for whoever read it and may have been able to relate. Things are carrying on over here -- I'm living alone in my room now which is odd yet nice in some ways (and of course sad in other ways; seeing the other side of the room so bare!) Slowly but surely things will morph into a new norm and that's the way it goes. In the meantime, I've been keeping myself busy with dance parties, walks in the warm sun (Seattle has been gorgeous lately), and maybe attempting to study for midterms... geez college, could you pause while I play outside?

If you've noticed, my hair is still in the process of growing out. I got it cut a bit ago so now it will hopefully be only a few more months before it is all the same length. The bangs will take the longest of course, but I'm okay with the stage I'm at currently! I suppose I don't have much more to report to you -- comments have been on the very low side for the past few months and I'll admit it has been making me a bit sour. At the same time, I also feel like I'm at a point where I care less if I get a lot of comments. So I guess that's good? Anyone have any interesting news? Maybe shoot me a link to your latest blog post if it's something you're especially proud of today! : ) xxoo E
currently listening to // Baths - Mecha Joy


Quality Time

Well, it's been a long week. I want to apologize for my disappearance, though there is an explanation. My roommate Kristie told all of us on Wednesday night that she is leaving Seattle Pacific University. I don't want to delve into the reasons why because obviously that is personal stuff -- but just know that it's been difficult the past few days for everyone. Lots of tears. Kristie was my first friend at SPU, and in fact, she is largely the reason why my college experience has been so positive. It really counts to have a good roommate. I know she is making the right decision for herself, but that doesn't mean I will miss her presence any less.

So, yesterday we went on one more jaunt. Just the girls this time. Brunch at Odd Fellows Cafe in Capital Hill, ice cream at Molly Moon's, and laying in the sun at the park. Spending quality time with some quality people. I love these girls. xxoo E

currently listening to // Nooothing!