
Drive, Purpose, Patience

dress & shoes: forever 21, jacket: the gap, scarf: a gift
'Ello my dears! First of all, I want to thank you if you gave me any feedback on my last post about the film, The Boat that Rocked. I just want to feel good about this space and what I share, so words of affirmation are helpful in that pursuit. I really want to feel reinspired with this blog -- to feel the drive and purpose again. Maybe that requires a different variety of content; maybe that requires less outfit posts; maybe that requires a change in my blog layout; or maybe it just requires me sleeping on the notion, eh?

When I write down what I want my life to look like, the list includes: read the Bible everyday, eat healthy foods, strive for interpersonal and deep relationships, spend less time on the internet/social networks, work with my hands more, and have more confidence in myself. Of course that's just a snippet -- but it's an interesting reminder of what's actually on my heart and what actually I need and desire out of life. I've been wrestling with thoughts on purpose lately and while I've reached no conclusion, I think there is something to be said about the unknown. About this time in our lives where we just don't know. It's when I remind myself that today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow. It's so important to focus on today and what I can do to better myself with the day in front of me. And it takes patience to discover and uncover one's purpose, which is another reason that it's a difficult thing.

On a completely unrelated note, I got a hair cut! Maybe you've noticed? The lady chopped off the beginnings of my mullet and now my hair is that much closer to reaching the same length! I'm so excited to begin to have hair again, whooo! xxoo E
currently listening to // The Weeknd - What You Need


Pirate Radio

So feel free to shake your head head at me if this post is irrelevant now because I've been off the band wagon for so long -- but who has heard of The Boat that Rocked (or Pirate Radio in the US)? I just recently watched this film with some friends and was so surprised that not only had I not seen the movie, but I hadn't heard anything about it either. It came out in 2009, so like I said, if this is way old news to you, then just excuse this post. But if you're like me and apparently know nothing, then please read on! Maybe you'll be intrigued enough to watch the movie. :)

The Boat that Rocked is set in the 1960s around the time that rock and pop music was trying to find its way to the mainstream radio. However, the British government was not down for that to happen, of course, and was constantly trying to shut the pirate radio stations down. That's the premise for this film -- along with, of course, an eclectic cast of people who serve as the various DJs on their station, Radio Rock.

One of the major reasons that I enjoyed this movie so much was due to it being set in the 1960s. That alone should draw you all in. The fact that the movie was set on a boat, in the 60s, with dancing and great music gave me enough reason to be happily entertained throughout the whole thing. Also, the movie was rather long -- over two hours, which could perhaps be why it didn't get great reviews. Nonetheless, I simply loved the aesthetics of the film and that got me by no problem.

While I'm not always a fan of British humor, I'd say that this got many laughs out of me, which I take as a good sign. There was quite a bit of sex and humor surrounding sex, which sort of got annoying after a bit, but it wasn't enough of an issue that I wouldn't have watched it. I'd say just consider your audience before you watch this, but that's common knowledge.

On a final note, this movie had a great cast, in my opinion. Faces such as Rhys Darby, Chris O'Dowd, January Jones, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and others. I thought it was just a fun film, and definitely worth a watch. The soundtrack is also great -- I think I may go listen to it now, in fact!

Let me know in the comment section if you liked this post. I'm testing the waters (haha, get it? boat - water ?? ha) and really searching my heart for what I want to write about on this blog. Because I just watched this film, this was what I wanted to write about. Please tell me if you enjoyed this post! Thanks dears. xxoo E


Spring Awakening

top: target, skirt: flea market, vintage, boots: dsw, sweater: thrifted
Though it's not quite March (and March is the when I consider spring to, in fact, be sprung), I think I'm channeling spring in this outfit that I wore this past Saturday. This skirt has always been one of my favorites and to think that I found it at the flea market for five bucks is a pretty cool deal indeed. It's actually surprising -- since coming to Seattle, I haven't thrifted really at all, which is uncommon for me, if you've read this blog at all. Maybe spring quarter I'll try to thrift more? At least when I return to California this summer I'll have to go thrifting to make up for lost times!

But anywho, my gorgeous roommate Kristie took these photos so of course I had to include her in this post. We were also both wearing maxi skirts on this particular day, so basically we were perfect together. If only there was a third party member who could have taken a photo of us together! One day. For now, just pretend. xxoo E
currently listening to // Lana Del Rey


Ophelia & Claudia

skirt: c/o sugarlips, shirt: costco, jean jacket: found it, boots: vintage, thrifted
In trying to think up something to say for this blog post, I am a bit scattered. All I can really come up with is to tell you that this was an excellent Wednesday. It was one of those days where unexpectedly, I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my dad. It was one of those days where I spent a long while in the school cafeteria, nibbling on granola, sipping coffee, and just people watching. It was one of those days where the walk to Fremont was both brisk and crisp. It was one of those days where getting drip coffee and studying the Bible is the only thing to do.

On this particular trip to Fremont, Rachael and I explored this book store that I had never been to, called Ophelia's Books. You'll never believe who was inside (okay, maybe you will). A lovely little book store cat! My heart fluttered when I saw Claudia (that was the cat's name) and I know that this beautiful used book store will definitely be a place to visit time and time again. It's a secret dream of mine to own a coffee shop/cafe/used bookstore/live music venue/plant shop somewhere and to have a permanent shop cat. :) Wouldn't that be the best? Do you have any secret dreams like this? xoxo E
currently listening to // Iron & Wine - An Angry Blade


In Time's Maze,

dress: ruche, button-up, belt, & shoes: thrifted, bag: marshalls, knee-highs: target
Remember when everyone repeatedly said, "Seattle is so rainy! It always rains! You better get used to the rain! Hopefully you like the rain boots you have, 'cuz that's all you'll be wearing!" Exhibit A: these photos are from yesterday. Basically the whole past weekend we had delightful weather. If the rain did come, it came at night. SO THERE. With it being so nice and sunny, I am anticipating spring and summer with much delight. I was telling my friends recently that I feel like I'm more excited to come home for spring break then I was for winter break, but I'm not sure why. I have a feeling that it's going to be a good twelve days though -- and then afterward that, the final quarter of my freshmen year of college! Gee wiz.

By the way, I appreciate the words of advice or just the attentive ears to the topics of my last outfit post. Bare with me as the blog and I shuffle blindly around for the next bit of time. Love you all. xxoo E

currently listening to // Joan Szymko - Here


All over the place

+ New succulent (the one in the middle),
+ Tea, tea, tea, & George MacDonald,
+ We ordered a pizza and guess what they drew on the box?
+ My dresser and the newspaper hearts I crafted for vday,
+ Basically the best Valentine's card ever,
+ Can someone identify this type of tubular lichen?
+ Bryan John Appleby show with Rachael.



Stripes & Floral

dress: vintage, thrifted, sweater: forever 21, sandals: thrifted, tote: etsy
It's funny, sometimes I feel so on top of my personal style and how I want to present myself, but more and more lately I have been all over the place; unsure about my clothes and who I am as a style/fashion blogger. I've been getting caught up in, "Is this good enough for the blog?" ... "Will this showcase myself as a stylish person?" -- I'm sick of worrying about that sort of thing, yet I can't remove it from my mind. Since starting this blog, it has proven to be difficult to detach myself from it: it has become so engrained in me. How do I get out of the mindset that the reason I get dressed in the morning is to prove myself? (I'm not saying this is the only reason, but somehow it does play a role.) How do I get out of the mindset that I need to be more innovative, more interesting?

So within that struggle, I've been struggling with my closet and how I even want to dress these days. On top of that, how is someone suppose to change their style when they can't obtain a whole new closet with the snap of one's fingers? I'm not saying that's the path I want to go, but I'm going through a period of time where I want to wear different things and those different things are not things that I currently own. I'm kind of just in a weird place, so that's where this outfit is coming from (also, I make no promises, but I'm thinking another reason I'm in a weird place is because of my hair and how growing it out is a huge pain, haha).

In reference to this outfit, I wore this on Valentine's Day which was more like a normal Thursday except for the fact that I did eat probably one too many cookies. And chocolate. Oh well that's what it's for, right! Anyway, onto today! Have a wonderful Saturday. xxoo E
currently listening to // Daughter - Landfill