
You can't kill Heros.

Hi there lovely readers. :) I wanted to give a great big thanks to all of you now following me! I've gotten a small blast of new readers in the past few days. You don't know how happy it makes me! So, thanks so much. Hehe.

Today was a good day, and a bad day. Good because it was a late start day (9:00), good because my rockband class went well - we have a concert on Friday! I'm nervous yet excited. It's strange. Today was bad, however, because I wasn't feeling too good, unfortunately. My stomach has been bothering me, and so has my head. I really hope tomorrow I feel better. (I can't exactly miss school though; I never let myself.)

But anyway, after school I spent some time with my love, and we just relaxed and such - some down time. And, voila! I got him to take some photos of me around 5:15ish. We didn't get that many, but I enjoy how these ones turned out. :)
This dress is one of my newer Goodwill purchases! I got it with the skirt & shoes in this post. Such great finds; I'm still stunned. But, oh gosh! Remember how I said fall was here? Well guess what? Apparently I'm a big liar! This whole week has been in the 95s+! So not used to this. I guess summer wanted one last chance to shine before actual autumn kicks in. But, my point is, I was rather hot in even this dress, today. Oh well... I guess more short sleeve stuff for the rest of this week?

I have been falling behind on my commenting, responses, and et cetera! I'm so sorry! I've been running around lately, with one thing or another. I'm going to try to catch up as soon as possible.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Wednesday!
xx Elanor

dress, & belt: goodwill
shoes: mom's closet
necklace, & bracelet: gifts
currently listening to... The Spill Canvas - Bracelets


1 Year. ♥

On Sunday, for our one year anniversary, my boyfriend and I spent the day together. We had a sort of pic-nic at the Cheese Factory out in the old backroads of our town. It was so hot, but we got cool drinks so it was okay. :) After that, we drove to Petaluma, a town about 15 aways from us, where we strolled around the downtown. They were just wrapping up an antique fair when we arrived! Unfortunately, many vendors had already packed up everything and had left. :(

After this, we went to Powell's and got some candy for the movie we were going to see! Easy A. It was very funny, though the plot line was highly unrealistic...hhaha.

I'm not too fond of most of these photos that we got... and I also didn't get to take all the ones I had originally wanted to. But oh well! Win some, lose some. I did, in fact, enjoy my outfit that day though. :)
Albeit we do fight, and we are not always a happy couple, I truly love Derek. He knows what to say and knows what makes me laugh. He's quirky and strange - yet so am I... Together we are even stranger, yet it works. I know that I'm very lucky to have him. :) I can't wait to see what happens next!

Have a lovely day,
xx Elanor

vintage, hand-made dress: vintage shop in seattle, wa.
pearls: antique shop
belt, purse, & boot shoes: goodwill
currently listening to... Nada.


Oh! Happy Day!

Happy Saturday! I'm definitely feeling more positive than in my last post, those of you who read it. I think school and all the stress related to it just was getting me down. I kind of have trouble not spiraling down when I think of stress related things, so that's kinda how I usually get upset and stuck in a rut. But anyway! Today I'm much better and I've got stuff I'm looking forward to.

These are photos from yesterday - Friday. Thursday I went to Goodwill as I mentioned, and I got this skirt and these brogues-like shoes! I was so excited when I found these shoes, in particular. Great find, I must say. You will probably be seeing them a lot this fall! :) Along with these purchases, I bought another skirt, a dress, and a blue and white collared sleeveless shirt like the one here! And there's the kick - everything I got was 50% off, so the total cost of everything was 13 dollars. I love thrifting.
Friday, after school, I tagged along with my mom to go get blood work done at the hospital, then we shopped around a bit for a present for a friend's birthday. Later that night I saw The Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole with my best friend, Jessica. The animation was amazing, to say the least. The plot wasn't developed that well/not correlated exactly with the books, but I still enjoyed it. Plus, I hadn't seen a movie in so long - it was great to finally see one with my bff! :)

Anyway, today I'm going to Ikea with Derek and his family, which will be a straight adventure I'm sure! I can't remember the last time, if any, that I've been there. And, tomorrow is me and Derek's one year anniversary! Gosh, time flies. I love him.

Have a lovely weekend, please! ;)
xx Elanor

white v-neck: ??
skirt, belt, & shoes: goodwill
necklace, & bracelet: claire's
socks: payless shoes
currently listening to... The sounds of a Saturday morning.


1 Ghosts I

Hey guys. Thanks so much for the comments on my last post about the accident last Friday at my school. I hope my message hit home...

This week has been pretty "mehh" to me. I've been feeling pretty off and discontent with everything, it feels. Which sucks, cause I am not really discontent with everything. Sigh. Oh well. How are you guys doing? One thing that is exciting me is all my new readers, however! 33! How loverly! :3
I wore this yesterday. I haven't worn this dress in a long time - since here, actually. I sometimes like it, but sometimes I dislike how I look in it. These shoes are fun, but painful after a while, of course. The belt, necklace, and ring are all new! Which is lovely. I've always wanted a belt like this, so I finally decided to just get it.

This dress is actually a minty green color, but it looks lighter in these photos. Ah well - I quite enjoy the details on this piece. I got it from Goodwill a year or so ago! I went to Goodwill today with two friends, also, because it was a minimum day (back to school night). I got a few nice things, and a pair of shoes! So excited about those. Haha. I may or may not make a post about the goodies tomorrow. :)
I don't have much more to say, unfortunately. It's kind of late now, and I'm just feeling tired and et cetera. :( Goodnight, all.

xx Elanor
P.S I'm in a "Ghosts" Nine Inch Nails mood. Such strange music.

mint vintage dress: goodwill
green kitten heels: thrift town
wide belt, & ring: target
necklace: claire's
currently listening to... Nine Inch Nails - 1 Ghosts I


Remember to Give Love.

Hey peoples! :) I took these photos yesterday and now I'm posting! It's fabulous. Haha. So, Monday at my school was actually very depressing and serious. Last Friday during lunch, five kids from my school got in a car accident. Alcohol was related and one of the boys died on impact. Two others are in critical condition, and I think the other two are okay. Many people really didn't know what to say Monday because of this death...but the teachers talked about it and didn't do their normal teaching that day. The kid who died was a junior, like me, and I went to middle school with him, even though I didn't know him very well.

What's really sad about this whole accident is that just last year, my high school did a program called "Every Fifteen Minutes". It's about alcohol and drinking and driving. This program went on for two weeks and they did a life-like skit (crashed car, blood, bloody bodies, etc) where virtually the same exact thing happened that ended up happening on Friday. It's horrible.

Overall, this whole thing really made me think about what I have in life and makes me want to be a better friend, girlfriend, daughter, and anything else that I am. It makes me want to cherish those I hold close to me and never let them go. It makes me want to go out and befriend people who I normally wouldn't. Give love. Give love. Give Love. I don't know... but what I do know, is that things like this really make you think. I hope you guys, my school, and just anyone, can think too - make good decisions and be the kind of person that deserves to be alive. Though really, who actually deserves this life we were given? It's a gift; a miracle from God; something that needs to be treasured.
Wow, I didn't mean to get so into that. But I think it's an important thing to think about.

Anyway, my favorite part of this outfit is this denim shirt/jacket thing! It's my mom's (hehe) but I think it's safe to say we'll be sharing from now on. ;) ALSO! I stole her watch too. Bahaha, I'm such a fiend!

Hope you all are having a lovely day!
xx Elanor

striped t-shirt: ??
gray skirt, & wide flower belt: goodwill
oxfords: forever 21
denim jacket, & old wrist watch: mom's closet!
necklace: a gift
currently listening to... West Side Story Soundtrack



No outfit post today, unfortunately. I was going to upload the outfit from yesterday, but I didn't get any photos that I was happy with. :(

But seriously. Watch/listen to the video above, Another Day by Pomplamoose. Go to their youtube or myspace to hear more - I'm sure you'll like it. :o I sure do! They are starting to become one of my new favorite bands. Hehe.

Until next time,
xx Elanor

p.s. I was featured in Amanda's Looks I Love post today! Check out the other gals' looks here!


Strawberry pin-needles.

Hey guys. :) I'm currently curled up in my room after talking to Derek on the phone, having just come back from the gym. I finished most of my homework earlier so I decided to edit these photos from earlier today and make a post! I'm so proud. Definitely my resolution to post every other day or more, if possible. I also want to start making my posts more interesting and following other topics/other discussions. Suggestions?

I wore this dress here as a skirt - did any of you know that it was actually a dress? Hehe. Surprise. :) As it is getting chilly (though, actually, not so much yet...maybe it's not fall after all?) I decided to wear this sheer tunic/dress/shirt under the summery straps of this dress. I thought it was quite interesting and different from what I normally do! Success!
I got the necklace I'm wearing here from Claire's for my birthday! Isn't it weirdly cute? It's like a strawberry...but pin-needles...! I really enjoy it. Here's a slightly closer view of it. You'll be seeing some new jewelry for a bit as I got quite a bit for my birthday. No new shoes so I guess I'll have to go buy those myself, eh? ;)

xxoo Elanor

P.S. does anyone know the css/html for making the spaces between my photos smaller? help!

dress: goodwill
tunic: target
oxfords: vintage store in the haight
strawberry necklace: claire's
currently listening to... The xx - Heart Skipped A Beat



Gosh! I haven't posted in so long! Everything has been so busy around here. I am going to find a routine for this blogging business, though! I've got to! :)

This outfit is from last Thursday, the 9th. I just didn't have time to edit these photos and make a post about them! Ridiculous! I really enjoyed this outfit, though. I ordered this skirt online from Urban Outfitters over the summer when they were having their huge sale! Along with a romper, my purchases came to $16. I call that a good deal. :)

I thought this headband and polka dot tights pulled the look together nicely. Oh! and my riding boots. I love those things!
I'm beginning to think fall is definitely upon us, my friends. Well, at least where I live... The temperature is dropping and it is getting dark earlier! (although, the latter I dislike, sort of...) I wore tights again today, and I'm thinking I'm going to need to buy some more. Along with many of my friend bloggers, I think my fall/winter colors are going to be forest green, tans, deep golden tans, among neutrals and other dark colors.
Anyway, I'm definitely going to start posting more. I'll try my best! I want it to be regular Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday/Sunday, or something like that.

Hope everyone had a good Monday!
xxoo Elanor

feather headband: hot topic
necklace: etsy
black 3/4 shirt: ??
skirt: urban outfitters
tights: target
riding boots: vintage store in the haight

currently listening to... Arcade Fire - Suburban War


Extreme Mammals!

Monday was labor day and I went to the Extreme Mammals exhibit at the California Academy of Science in San Francisco with Derek!

We weren't allowed to take any photos inside the actual exhibit, but we got a few throughout the rest of the museum. :) There were a lot of interesting "extreme" animals! It was a fun day.
I'm suddenly extremely tired, now. And it was another late start day! Aghh weird. I'm also kinda sick still, which could be why I'm tired. I think I'm going to go sleep for a bit, hahah.

xxoo Elanor
P.S Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
currently listening to... Paramore - crushcrushcrush


Birthday. :)

Just a short entry... wanted to just say a word about today! Started off a little rocky of a birthday, but the day got better. My friend baked me a cake that I would take a photo of; but regretfully, it has sort of caved in on itself! My friend Jessica brought other treats at lunch and another friend made me a very lovely artistic card.

My parents decided that they want to pretend that my birthday is the 9th...(not gonna explain, hehe) so Thursday is when I'm going to "celebrate" with my family. Though tonight we went to Chevy's and it was yummy and now I'm full! : )

This is somewhat of a filler entry. I plan on posting soon, hopefully, about Monday. I got some photos from my day.

Oh! And look what I found on urbandictionary.com. Hehe:

Thrift Whore
September 7

1. a person who shops at many different thrift stores, thereby often finding wonderful deals.
2. One who feels the urge to brag about every single piece of crp they find at a thrift store.
Becky is such a thrift whore- she found a flying horse for a dollar!

I prefer to think of myself as the first option... :)
xxoo Elanor

currently listening to... MGMT - The Youth


The Revival Process...

(shirt: costco // skirt & belt: goodwill // purse: antique shop // hummingbird skull necklace: santa barbara museum of natural history // shoes: mom's closet)
Feeling better today! Mostly because I fixed the bX-error thing just by switching templates then switching back... sheesh, easier than I thought! Still have a cold, but oh well.

Didn't do anything today! My plans for today with Derek were switched to tomorrow, so be prepared for a post about that either tomorrow night, or Tuesday. ;) Speaking of which, Tuesday is my 17th birthday! Eeep!
This is the first time I've worn this skirt since I bought it over the summer. I love pencil-like skirts! It's really great and refreshing to not have such a short skirt. I think I'm going to look for more like these for this fall. Maybe a denim one. :)

This photoshoot went alright - though I feel like my expression is dead for all the photos I got. Ah well. I did just wake up from a nap/doing homework when I went out to take these around 5:30...haha.
Gosh! One thing I've noticed about my outfits and my style and everything is that, I end up buying a lot of clothing, but never enough shoes or accessories! It's actually concerning. I end up wearing the same jewelery a lot - plus, I'm getting so bored of my shoes. I guess that's what I've got to remember to shop for from now on. You guys must remind me!

Hope everyone had a nice Sunday, and, happy Labor Day!
xxoo Elanor
currently listening to... Lily Allen - Truth