
Little Black Dress.

Hey readers! All day I've been forgetting what day of the week it is. What's wrong with me?! I was very eager to update my blog because I feel like I haven't actually posted anything since last Thursday. My guest post for Kenzie Faith doesn't count, I've decided! Hahah, don't mind me. I'm having a... good day?! Well, it was good until I was forced to realize that these day's lengths are just too short! Let me explain what I mean. I went to Starbucks after school with my friend Miranda so she could help me with some precalculus, but by the time I got home around 4:45 it was dark and cold and I was sad. :(

Luckily, after only giving up for a half hour or so, I took these photos inside. Obviously not as pleasant as photos outside in nature, in my opinion, but it'll do. This is my little black dress. :) Or something like that...! Derek said I looked very cute, so I was satisfied! Hehe. Ah the little things.

Hope your Tuesday was pleasant, loves.
xx Elanor

dress: goodwill
tights: target
boots: thrifted
necklace: antique store
currently listening to... Once soundtrack - Fallen From the Sky


Guest post for Kenzie Faith!

Happy Monday, lovelies! Today I'm guest blogging for Kenzie Faith, so why don't you all hop on over there to check out my post? I'll see you all back here soon...! :)

xx Elanor


Be Thankful.

Good evening friends and happy Thanksgiving! It's not my favorite holiday by any means, but it's a good day to consider what we are thankful for. Of course, we should strive to do this everyday, now shouldn't we? I went with my family to a few relatives house today to eat a Thanksgiving meal. It was good, but unfortunately I haven't been feeling too good today. Headache, fatigue, and just straight uncomfortableness... :(

Nonetheless, I want to list what I am thankful for. ♥
* My faith and having Jesus in my life.
* My family, and especially the close relationship that I have with my mom.
* My boyfriend, Derek, and the support and love he gives me.
* My friends.
* This blog and the blogging community - I don't want to be cheesy, but I'm forsurely thankful for all of you.
Have a nice evening,
xx Elanor

P.S. Yes, I changed my layout again. I wanted something simple and clean and white. There we go~

dress, belt: goodwill
brown tights: marshall's
heels: thrift town
coat: costco
leaf necklace: f21
currently listening to... Ray LaMontagne - Shelter


Numb toes & numb fingers.

OK so basically this shoot was not too fun. I was outside for an extended amount of time; the sun not on my side today. Before I knew it, the sun had then disappeared and I was sniffling all over the place and I couldn't feel my fingers or toes. Ah what I do for this blog. ;) I suppose these shots are okay, and I tried Shy of Chesterfield's editing tutorial again on these photos.

I experimented with clothes for this outfit. Shirt on the outside of a skirt with a belt... High heels...hat... The colors greens, blues, creams, and browns. I like it. :) Unfortunately, it appears I did not do anything today. But that doesn't matter to me. Even if I don't do anything, I like to get dressed! Question of the day, do you feel anxious or disappointed when you don't have anything to do? I feel this way sometimes.

Happy Thanksgiving!
xx Elanor

beanie, skirt: forever 21
shirt: taiwanese shop
belt, tights: goodwill
necklace: claire's
heels: borrowed from a friend
currently listening to... Dido - Thank You


One Fell Swoop

Heya! Posting late today, as usual. :) Taking these photos, I began editing them like normal - but then I discovered Shy of Chesterfield's recently posted photo editing tutorial! So I decided to try her editing ways! And this is what turned out! I rather like them. I did the first photo below following the tutorial almost exactly and I like that photo the best... the rest of them, well I couldn't get them the same! I guess I'll be playing around with different levels and such till I get it right...

I spent time with friends today, and later watched Chicago for the first time. It was rather exciting! I liked this number from the musical the best. The dancing is so exciting... Ahh, rewatching now and loving it again! Heheh. What's your favorite musical?

Have a great week!
xx Elanor

romper, shoes, purse: goodwill
tights: wet seal
belt: target
blazer: mom's closet
currently listening to... Spill Canvas albums



Thundering like you.

Aaaaand... it's 4 o'clock, darkdarkdark and rainy! Don't forget the thunder. It's shocking I managed to even take these photos today. It was sunny this morning, but as the day went on, so did the rain! I love it...! Anywho, I want to leave it at this today... Happy Saturday! I have the next week off from school for Thanksgiving, so I'll try to get a lot of posts in. For now, I'm about to brave the weather and drive to Derek's house. Yep - sounds scary! ;)

xx Elanor

P.S AGHHHH I just lost power while trying to post this! Luckily it just came back on. xx

men's dress shirt, belt: goodwill
tights: marshall's
boots: thrifted
star necklace/copper necklace: ??/claire's
currently listening to... Yael Naim - Toxic


New 'Do!

So guess what gals? Yep! New hair. I've been wanting a pixie cut ever since I...
1. Became a fan of Tegan and Sara (I already tried one of their cuts last hair style, of course.)
2. Saw Carey Mulligan's short hairdos - she's a doll!
3. Saw Emma Watson's new cut!
4. Well, basically every time I saw a short haircut.

This is a pretty bad photo (webcam!) but I wanted to show you all because I don't have an outfit post. :( I ran out of time for natural light and something other than my deck... Also, I didn't really like my outfit by the end of the day, weirdly enough.

I know a lot of you liked my hair before, but I hope you can still like it now... :-) I'm a little nervous for school tomorrow, but I'm going to walk tall!

xx Elanor


I'm Blue! (da ba dee)

Does anyone other than me remember this song? I thought it was fitting because my color pallet of the day seems to be blues and grays. I got these trousers and this vintage cardigan at the $2 GoodWill sale last Friday and Saturday. I've been meaning to try out the "men's pant" trend, and although I wasn't sure how it would look on me, I really love the style. How do you think I did? My legs aren't as skinny or long as the rest of you pant wearing gals, but I think it worked!

Unfortunately I got home an hour later than planned and missed the sun go behind the hill by about 10 minutes! :( So, no pretty sun ray photos today. Those are hard to do every outfit post! Thus, here is the normal deck! I dunno - even though it's boring, all deck photos turn out better than most in other locations of my yard...haha.

Anyway, I have a photo-related question for you! Do you guys like my photo sizes? This is the largest I've made them. Do you think they're too big? Or do they fit? Let me know, please! Also, I've decided to go about posting photos based on personal quality vs. quantity. I'm only going to put up the photos that I, for the most part, 100% like - because when I put up ones I'm not sure about, I always feel very uncomfortable about my blog and how it looks and such. :( I'm weird. Let it be known.

Happy Tuesday! I'm beat. Long day at school+the gym+headache= well, you know, I'm sure!
xx Elanor

navy cardigan, gray trousers, belt, heels: goodwill
striped t-shirt: banana republic
necklaces: petaluma antique store/f21
rings: mom's jewelry/claire's
watch: ?
currently listening to... Far East Movement - Like a G6 (it's catchy...shh!)


Button love, anyone?

A quick hello from me to you this Monday evening - how are you all doing? I just wanted to stop in to shed some light on my newly made button! I figured I'm at 50+ amazing followers, so someone must want to link to me! ;) The code is under this image in my sidebar to the right! Onto other related information - you know I love you all and the cherish the constant support and kindness I've received from you... SO, I just wanted to let everyone know that once I hit 100 followers I shall host my first giveaway! I'm pretty excited so you should be too! :)

See you guys tomorrow!
xx Elanor


Change and these warm colors.

Apparently the bay area is having an Indian Summer... meaning, today and yesterday it was in the 70s. Quite strange, if you ask me. I wore a jean jacket today for a bit, but the rest of the time I just wore this... It's almost as if it is summer again. Except, I'm pretty sure within the next week the temps are gonna drop back down to the 60s haha. Not that I might. Isn't it supposed to be coming close to winter now?! Sheesh how strange. I'm eager for the holidays, but also scared because time is going by swiftly.

So, also, I'm basically a horrible student. Well, not really. I got all As and Bs on my last progress report... But, today I've honestly done no homework. Ughh totally just want to hang out tonight. It would be amazing to watch a movie or something and just chill (psh, not like I'm been doing that this whole 4 day weekend or anything...). I just would rather not do anything right now! That's not too unusual, I think. ;) Bahaha.

Anywayyyy, have a nice Sunday evening! I have blogger ADHD and/or OCD so I'm messing with my layout again- so please don't mind the editing going on... :) Aghh! I'd better got on some of my homework! Talk to you all soon!

xx Elanor

tank top: forever 21
flower skirt: shop in sante fe, NM
kitten heels: thrift town
flower necklace/purse necklace: claire's/h&m
currently listening to... Flight of the Conchords - Hurt Feelings


I really can't think of a title.

Happy Saturday! I'm about to go spend the remainder of the day with Derek (again!), so I'm going to keep this somewhat short. Yesterday, he and I went driving down the backgrounds until we found a lake to take some photos. Ironically... the lake is not in any of these photos... Whoops! Well, we almost missed the sun, and the lighting isn't as perfect as Thursday's post... But I'm getting there! Are any of you like me in that you always end up finding problems with things? Ick, it's not a good habit. :(

We drove up to Point Reyes, a little town up by all the freezing northern California beaches. We plan on spending an actual day there and then go to the beaches some Saturday soon. However, yesterday we just went to go eat dinner at a cute cafe. I got a delicious ham and cheese sandwich with pesto - very yummy! We drove home then - and of course, it's already super dark so it feels like 9 pm, when it's only 6.... heh. We watched "The Maze" later at his house. Let me make this clear, don't watch it! It's a stupid thriller with horrible acting and a plot that was so undeveloped that Derek and I cried a bit. I repeat, don't see it!

Anyway, Not much to say about my outfit, except... Like my hat? ;) I thought it was a bit ridiculous but I went with it. Yay for courage!

Have a great Saturday!
xx Elanor

P.S. The GoodWill in my town had an "all clothes $2 sale!" Friday and Saturday. You can guess what else I did Friday and today...! ;)

long-sleeved shirt: charlotte ruse
skirt (dress here): thrift town
moccasins: thrifted
hat: mom's closet
purse: goodwill
necklace: a gift (tilly's)
currently listening to... Me typing.


With or Without

Here I am, sitting in my pajamas and finishing off some hot chocolate. It's almost 11, but I'm not at school today. :) Or tomorrow! We have a 4 day weekend! It's amazing. I plan on sleeping in, and hopefully doing fun stuff. Although - I am completely mixed up now. I thought the Harry Potter midnight showing was tomorrow, but as it turns out... it's next Friday. So now I have no idea what I'm doing with these 3 days (Sunday will be for homework, as always).

Yesterday was my short day, and basically like a Friday, so it was double great. Not that I actually did anything interesting though, oddly enough. I drove around after school trying to discover new places for photos. Unfortunately I just decided that for now (until I get the confidence to randomly take photos in public/with people around and watching) I'll just have to continue with my "secret" spots. Not really secret, though... This is just my street. Haha.

I thought the sun rays were really nice in these photos - it was an hour earlier than Tuesday's post, so the lighting was better. Also, as you can see in these photos - I got new boots! I've been lusting after a pair like this, if it wasn't already obvious. I mixed patterns a bunch with this outfit, but somehow I think it all goes. Pullover sweaters are really quite nice, I'm realizing. I think that's another thing I need to think about getting now...!

xx Elanor

sweater: goodwill
dress: forever 21
necklace: claire's
tights: target
boots: marshall's
scarf: a gift (forever 21)
currently listening to... My own breathing.